Linggo, Pebrero 23, 2014

Mind Museum

The "Mind Movers" did a great job in hosting a show for the class. I half-expected it to be a pure lecture about a contemporary topic and a few film viewing; I was completely wrong. I went to class sleepy but got out enthusiastic - that does not happen to me so often.
They explained that 'mind moving' was not telekinesis or psychic power, and definitely not literally moving the mind of the spectator. It was some sort of science storytelling, and when I first heard that, I thought we would be treated as kids and they would just go on and tell a story. I was wrong. Again. It involved quick experiments with common household materials, like the setting an alcohol-soaked 500-peso bill on flames. It did not burn. I thought it would burn. Looks like I was wrong once again.
They explained that the alcohol concentration affects whether the bill would burn or not. In that case, the alcohol used was 40%; the other 60% is water, they explained.
My curiosity rose when I heard them say the words 'jet' and 'fire' although I do not remember the actual name of the experiment. They crushed a water jug without much force exerted by their body by using household materials again: alcohol, matchstick, and what appears to be a rectangular piece of cardboard. The fire igniting inside was an apple to my eye, and I loved it.
They did some other interactive activities like showing the states of matter using the body, and at the end, this is what made me smile: they fulfilled the goal they talked about earlier - sparking my curiosity.

Reyes, Paollo Deo R.

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