Miyerkules, Pebrero 19, 2014

Reaction Paper

He waited patiently for his bride, his companion. Someone he thought will understand him because they are the same: Created from the remains of different people and given life through the miracle of science and technology. At last, he thought, here is someone who will accept him in spite of his grotesque, a friend whom he could share good times and bad times together. But alas, the opposite happened. In the end, he was still feared even by a creature who was made in a similar manner as him. Hurt and angered, he destroyed the tower, along with his supposed-to-be companion for life, and the scientist who is obsessed to find out the secrets of life, while letting his creator and his lover go unharmed.
The movie and the book may have portrayed the monster in different ways, but for me, one thing is certain: you cannot mess with science and nature. No, you can NEVER mess with science and nature. This may sound childish and all, but no matter how smart you are, even if you’re I.Q. exceeds 150, and you have the capability to perform a similar experiment such as what was written in that work of fiction, do not attempt to try it. The monster was a product of unethical research and experiment. A creature that came from the remains of bodies who are sleeping in their respectful tombs, desecrated for the sake of science. And they weren’t satisfied with just one, but created a mate for the monster, a twist from what was written in the book. What those two wackos did was wrong and shouldn’t have been done, or even given thought.
Science and technology should be utilized for the greater good, not for selfish desires. People aren’t supposed to be playing God, because they are not God and are not supposed to think of themselves as gods. Whatever research humans do, they should always consider, no, incorporate ethics and morality in their work.
As for the monster being made dumb, it’s obviously for artistic reasons and such. No one would watch a movie with no twist. The filmmakers were just adding some ‘spice’ on the original story, thus portraying the monster as dumb and ruthless, as what monster’s nature should be (or believed to be such). It worked in creating a suspense-filled and thrilling film, something that people would enjoy. But then again, we shouldn’t forget that this is but a mere work of fiction, not real life.
And so, I’ll end this reaction paper with a few words of wisdom:
“Folks, don’t try to do this at home.” Seriously, it’s disturbing.

Kay Noreene P. Dula

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