Miyerkules, Disyembre 11, 2013

The Fly (1958)

At the beginning I was asking, what will this whole movie be all about? I was slightly expecting it to be like a few animal-related movies I have already watched before. However after a few minutes of the film, it proved to be something quite good and mind-puzzling - especially when Helene killed her husband and appearing all calm and collected while narrating what had transpired during the murder to the investigator but acting a bit weird at the sight of a mere fly. And the details were effectively presented, without giving everything away.
The entire plot of the film was odd but very interesting. It was centered on a scientist with a goal of helping other people through discovering new technologies and inventing new machines who, unfortunately, became a victim of his own invention.
In the film it was emphasized by both the characters Andre and Helene that it was dangerous to try scientific experiments on animals and humans for it might be dangerous. People (especially at that time during the 50s) are uncertain of the possible effects of their new discoveries in science. However Andre’s eagerness to know if his machine is a success led him to try it on their pet cat – his first try at live subjects. When it failed he continued to improve his machine and tried multiple times until he succeeded. It could have been a good thing, until the accident happened when the fly and Andre had exchanged parts of their bodies. This showed one (if not the worst) of the downsides of science. In our never-ending desire to discover things, we momentarily cease to consider possible outcomes especially the negative.
There are things which we better not know.

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